How to get involved on a local level?
The word 'oblate' means 'to offer, to give of ourselves' – as Oblate Youth, we are called to give, especially in our parishes. Each parish community is different and has its different needs, but all of them NEED your talents and gifts. You might offer these by helping with Children’s Liturgy or sign ups at the door, serving as an altar server, or even starting a kids/youth choir. Whatever you can give – whether it be your time, talents, or both! – we want to encourage YOU to get involved in your parish.
How to get involved with OYC?
Oblate Youth Canada is centered around missions; some of these missions are on a local scale, and others on a larger, national scale. There will be future opportunities for youth to get involved on a larger scale, as OYC is a mission FOR youth and WITH youth.
We will be needing your help with new projects soon,
but in the meantime, Oblate Youth Canada challenges you to grow as Humans, Christians, and Saints…
Each human has value and dignity.
Remember this and smile at someone you walk by today.
It just might make their day.
Improve your relationship with God by getting to know Him more.
Memorize a Bible verse and see how it applies to your life this week.
We are all on a journey to get to heaven.
Learn from someone who is already in heaven by watching a 60 Secs with a Saint video.